Michael loves driving the bus!

2 years ago Tue 15th Nov 2022

love driving a bus with us

Are you thinking of changing career? Tired with the same old day again and again? Maybe it's time your considered joining us as a bus driver over at Newbury & District! Your basic annual salary once qualified will be between £28-29,000 (or over £30,000 if you are working on our National Express contracts) - and there's plenty of opportunity for overtime to increase your earnings further. 

Never driven a bus? No problem! Lots of our drivers started out in different careers and now love driving a bus - like Michael! We asked him (and others) about why they became bus drivers and why they love it - see Michael's responses below.

How long have you been working for Newbury & District?

Around 12 years now.

What did you do before?

Started out as a chef before joining the army in 1998. I joined the company in 2010 and never looked back.

What hobbies do you do?

Cooking - it's what I used to do in the army!

Why did you decide to become a bus driver?

I got tired of being in a hot kitchen! My dad was a coach driver so it felt right to follow in his footsteps and I like people so this felt like a good fit for me.

What do you enjoy most about being a bus driver?

Getting out of the office and being out and about. Like I said, I like people so the interaction with the customers is great. I think most people appreciate the job we do.

What has surprised you most about driving buses?

More about the company - there's more things involved in running a bus service than people think.

What are the three best things about being a bus driver?

Getting outside, meeting people and not being in a hot kitchen!

Tell me your favourite memory about being a bus driver?

There's so many! That's the great thing about the job, there's always something new around the next corner - literally!

If you were trying to convince a friend to become a bus driver, what would you say to them?

Go for it - the pay's great and you can really enjoy your job here. 

What would you say is the main benefit of working for Newbury & District?

The job itself, your coworkers and the pay is pretty good. 

want to know more about becoming a driver?

We have full and part-time roles available - all you need is a can-do attitude and a clean driving licence. Find out more about the role and how to apply here.