temporary evening diversion on jet black 1

9 months ago Mon 13th May 2024

Due to overnight highway improvement works, buses on jet black 1 in the evenings between Monday 13 May and Friday 17 May will be unable to serve stops on the A4 Bath Road between Theale Roundabout and Cropper Close, instead diverting via the M4.

The diversion route is as follows:

From Reading towards Newbury: Buses will serve all stops as normal until reaching Theale Green. Following this stop they will then run non-stop via the M4, A34 and A4 to Cropper Close; where they will return to the normal route.

From Newbury towards Reading, buses will run as normal until Cropper Close. Following these stops, buses will then run fast to Theale via the A4, A34 and M4, resuming the normal route at Theale Green.

As these works are taking place overnight, the following services are affected -

From Blagrave St towards Newbury Wharf: 6.30pm, 7.00pm, 7.30pm and 8.30pm

From Newbury Wharf towards Reading: 6.15pm, 6.45pm, 7.05pm, 7.25pm and 8.20pm.

Buses before and after these times will not be affected by this diversion and run as normal.

We apologise for any inconvenience or delay that this diversion may cause to your journey during these essential works.