Flightline - buses
Our buses
All of our Flightline routes are operated by state-of-the-art, fully accessible vehicles that feature everything you need to make your journey to and from the airport more comfortable.
On Flightline 703, our brand-new double-deck buses feature:
- large luggage racks
- comfortable seating and ample legroom
- free superfast wifi
- usb and wireless phone charging on all seats
- extra natural light through the glazed staircase and sunroof
- sweeping views during your journey through large windows
- air-chill on the upper deck
On Flightline 730 and 731, our brand-new state-of-the-art coach’s feature:
- luggage storage
- comfortable seating and ample legroom
- free superfast wifi
- usb charging on all seats
- air conditioning and seatbelts
- an onboard toilet
Find out more
routesexplore our Flightline routes |
our buseslearn more about our brand new state of the art buses |
appfind live journey information, tickets and more on our apps |
timetables and faresplan your next journey on flightline |