Culver Lane, N-bound service updates
Showing only service updates for Culver Lane, N-bound.
These may affect your journey
Suspension of Oak Drive bus stops on Colemansmoor Road & Vauxhall Drive
- Affected routes:
orange 13
orange 14
little oranges 19a
little oranges 19c
- Affected stops:
- Oak Drive, SE-bound
- Oak Drive, NE-bound
- Oak Drive, SW-bound
The Oak Drive bus stops on Colemans moor Road will be out of use on from Wednesday 12th February to Friday 14th February 2025.
This is for works carried out by Thames Water.
Please use Dunbar Drive or Colemansmoor Lane Foot bus stops instead for Orange 13/14 or Austin Road for Little Oranges 19a/19c as alternatives.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Suspension of Reading College outbound stop towards Three Tunns
- Affected routes:
lion 4
lion 4a
orange 13
orange 14
purple 17
Winnersh p&r 500
- Affected stops:
- Reading College, E-bound
The Reading College bus stop towards Three Tunns will be closed from Wednesday 12th February until Friday 14th February 2025.
This is closure is for works by Openreach.
Customers are advised to us Eldon Road or Cemetery Junction bus stop instead.
We Apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Suspension of Palmerstone Road bus stop towards Early Gate
- Affected routes:
little oranges 19a
route 81
- Affected stops:
- Palmerstone Road, S-bound
The Palmerstone Road bus stop towards Early Gate on Church Road will be out of use from Tuesday 21st January until Friday 14th February 2025.
This is due to works by SGN.
Customers are advised to use Eastcourt Avenue Hail and ride or Bulmershe Court bus stops instead.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
These disruptions could affect future journeys
Suspension of Foxhill Road bus stops
- Affected routes:
little oranges 19a
little oranges 19b
little oranges 19c
- Affected stops:
- Foxhill Road, NE-bound
- Foxhill Road, SW-bound
The Foxhill Road bus stops will be out of use from Thursday 13th February until Wednesday 19th February 2025.
This is due to Gas works.
Customers are advised to use the Eastern Avenue or Alexandra Road bus stops instead.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Closure of Church Road Earley between Pitts Lane and Woodlands Avenue
- Affected routes:
orange 13
orange 14
- Affected stops:
- Bulmershe Court, E-bound
- Bulmershe Court, W-bound
- Bulmershe Sports Centre, E-bound
- Bulmershe Sports Centre, W-bound
- Culver Lane, S-bound
- Culver Lane, N-bound
Monday 17th February 2025 until 7th May 2025 Church Road in Earley will be closed between Woodlands Avenue and Pitts Lane. This Is for ongoing major gas pipe replacement on behalf of SGN.
This is due to major Gas works by SGN.
Customers are advised to use the temporary stops listed below during the closure for the culver lane stops and woodlands avenue stops that will not be served during the closure.
There will be temporary stops on Fairwater for route 14 just before the mini roundabout and for route 13 there will be a temporary stop just before the roundabout on woodlands avenue outside number 119.
There will also be temp stops outside number 4 Pitts Lane for route 13 and outside number 5 Pitts Lane for route 14.
Orange 13 will divert via Pitts Lane , Shepherds house hill , Reading Road into Howth Drive onto woodlands avenue then resume normal route from Fairwater Avenue.
Orange 14 will divert via woodlands avenue into Howth Drive, Reading Road, Shepherds house Hill into Pitts Lane resuming normal route from Whitegates Lane.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Closure of Church Road Earley between Pitts Lane and Woodlands Avenue
- Affected routes:
little oranges 19a
little oranges 19c
- Affected stops:
- Culver Lane, S-bound
- Culver Lane, N-bound
Monday 17th February 2025 until 7th May 2025 Church Road in Earley will be closed between Woodlands Avenue and Pitts Lane. This Is for ongoing major gas pipe replacement on behalf of SGN.
During this time off peak Little orange 19a and 19c journeys via culver Lane will be diverted via Palmerstone Road.
Little orange 19a will divert via Palmerstone Road onto Culver Lane and then normal route from Eastcourt Avenue hail and rail.
Little orange 19c will divert via Palmerstone Road , church Road then normal route from Bulmershe Court.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Suspension of Cemetery junction bus stops towards Three Tunns
- Affected routes:
lion 4
lion 4a
orange 13
orange 14
purple 17
Winnersh p&r 500
- Affected stops:
- Cemetery Junction, E-bound
- Cemetery Junction, E-bound
Suspension of Cemetery Junction bus stop towards Three Tunns will be out of use from Tuesday 18th February until Thursday 20th February 2025.
This is closure is for works by Thames Water.
Customers are advised to use Hamilton Road or Reading College or Cholmeley Road bus stops instead.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused,
Suspension of Lysander Close bus stop towards Sandford Close
- Affected routes:
orange 14
little oranges 19c
- Affected stops:
- Lysander Close, NE-bound
The Lysander Close bus stop towards Sanford close will be out of use from Wednesday 19th February until Thursday 19th February 2025.
This is due to work to repair existing Openreach network equipment.
Customers have been advised to use the Woodley Piazza bus stop instead.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.