Star of the Month

star of the month wording on a red background

At Reading Buses, we want to celebrate our wonderful employees and say thank you for their hard work. And that’s where you come in…

Who is your star? You can nominate any of our amazing employees for our star of the month awards who have:

  • Gone the extra mile to make your journey amazing?
  • Dazzled you with their kindness?
  • Gone beyond the call of duty?
  • Done something remarkable?

nominate someone 

Whether it’s a driver that’s always cheery and brightens your day or has shown outstanding professionalism, a member of our customer service team that has been a huge help or if you’ve seen a member of our team doing great things, why not nominate them to show them what an excellent job they’ve been doing. 

To nominate someone, simply email [email protected] or fill out the form below: