Football fares

Season 2024/25

Our football bus fares are staying the same for the 2024/25 season.

Football bus fares differ from our normal services, so you need to buy football-specific tickets - normal tickets and passes are not valid. If paying cash, please have the exact fare - our drivers don't carry change.

For timetables and further information on our matchday services click here.

Concessionary passes

These are only valid within the Oxfordshire and Bracknell Forest Council boundaries - so your travel is free to the stadium, but the return journey must be paid for.

The fares for concessionary pass holders are as follows:

  F1 shuttle park & ride urban services F51-54
single £2.50 £2.50 £2.50 £2.50 (F51 only)
return £4 £4.50 £4.50 £4.50

Reading Station to the Stadium - F1 shuttle

   single fare  return
 adult  £3.50  £5.50
 under-19s  £3.50  £5.50

buy on the bus - cash or contactless

Reading zone fares

If getting on the bus within the Reading zone, your fares are below.

   single fare  return
 adult  £5.50  £7.50
 under-19s  £4.00  £5.50

Network zone fares

If you get on the bus outside of the Reading zone, you will need to pay these fares.

   single fare  return
 adult  £6.50  £8.50
 under-19s  £4.50  £6
family -  1-2 adults & up to 3 children)
Only on F51 - F54
concessionary £2.50 (F51 / F52 only) £4.50

Single fares are not available on routes F51 - F54 with the exception of concessionary pass holders on routes F51 and F52.

park and ride (F2 Shinfield Park/F3 Mereoak p&r)

   single  return  group ticket
 adults  £5.50  £7.50  £11 (up to 5 people travelling together - max 3 adults)
 under-19s  £4  £5.50  

Group and return tickets include parking at Mereoak p&r. If you are purchasing a single ticket or are a concessionary pass holder you will be able to pay for parking on the bus. 

buy online in advance - save time and money

No need for you to carry cash and worry about the exact fare again. Our simplyMatchday smartcards give you all day travel on football match days including non-football buses (except F1 shuttle smartcards). They’re easy to order and the more travel you buy, the more money you save! Buy your simplyMatchday smartcard here

simplyMatchday Shuttle

Valid all day on the F1 matchday shuttle only.

  5 days 10 days 20 days  
adult £27.50 £55 £110 buy now
under-19s £27.50 £55 £110 buy now

simplyMatchday Reading

All day travel on all buses in the simplyReading area including all football buses.  

  5 day 10 days 20 days  
adult £37.50 £72.50 £140 buy now
under-19s £27.50 £52.50 £100 buy now

simplyMatchday Network

All day travel on all buses in the simplyNetwork area including all football buses.  

  5 day 10 days 20 days  
adult £42.50 £82 £158 buy now
under-19s £30 £57.50 £110 buy now

Boxing Day games

If Reading FC are playing at home on Boxing Day, a surcharge is added to all the above cash fares.